Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thoughts on Blogging

After much contemplation about why I personally would want a blog, I have decided to give it a try. The fears outweighed the advantages of a blog for a time, but I have now decided to jump into the blogosphere...but not yet with both feet. One of the fears of blogging for me, is that it is just one more thing to do. I already write papers, e-mails, facebook messages...why would i want to spend 3 more seconds at my computer?! Another fear is the fear that i will like it too much, spending time that should have been spent on my 10 page research methods paper. This fear is being confirmed as I write. A conflict I had within myself when i have blogged in the past is this idea that my writing needs to be "up to par" with what I thought to be the culture at the time. I needed to use "big words", have interesting ideas, and write as if i was writing poetry. The latest indie band needed to be mentioned and my words needed to be like sulky poetry. Basically, I put these boundaries on myself to try to "fit in", but my writing came to a point where style and reputation took precedence over truth, intellect, and creativity. This is wrapped up in the fear of blogging for me. The last fear for me is the idea of "mystery". I don't want to spill my life, my feelings, my thoughts, my emotions, and opinions out for the public to see. I fear then, no one will want to know me as a person, face to face, because they already know me through my blog.

I have began to notice how blogging has become a craze in our culture right now. It is a way to communicate ideas and allow others to respond to them. It is a way to get to know a little bit of what someone is thinking. I think also, it is a good way to learn....as iron sharpens iron. We can challenge each other in thought and action through the use of written language...(typed language?...doesn't have the same ring). I also want it to be a tool used to keep up with friends and family who don't get to hear my everyday thoughts, my ramblings, and what I have learned at this overpriced, yet incredibly inspiring University i attend. The housemate I share a wall with has encouraged me to enter into the blogging world so that she may come to know my thought process better as well.

My hope is that those closest to me and those not so close, both in distance as well as in relation, can come to know me a little better through this. Also, that they wouldn't stop at my blog, but that this may spark conversation to further and deepen relationships. I hope also that those who read my thoughts will be willing to respond, that i may be sharpened, challenged spiritually and intellectually, and come to know those who respond better. I think this will be good thing for myself as well, in that I can write to allow myself to process through ideas, what I'm learning, and to have a written history of these thought processes.

So, to the population of about 10 that will dare to read my ramblings, I look forward to sharing this experience with you...here's to a new chapter in life...blogging.

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